
Our baby of our family and we couldn’t love him any more if we tried. Toffee is so special for so many reasons, his personality is just to die for, he is so laid back we often say he would make a great therapy pony.

We had him from the same breeder as Fudge and they are half brothers as they share the same Dad. Toffee was so tiny as a foal that when we went to see him we couldn’t believe just how small he was and he has stayed very small to this day!! we often call him Razzle’s mini me haha.

The day he was brought to us he just walked off the trailer with no a care in the world like he knew he was at his forever home. Toffee also enjoys a little walk through our village with his big brother Fudge and sometimes likes to come into the garden to
say Hi and eat our grass and get fed carrots.
He loves our Miniture Schnauzer too and I think it might be because there isn’t much difference in size which is so adorable.
Toffee loves everyone he meets and he also took part in a fancy dress competition, I will never forget that day, as soon as he walked into the show everyone was besotted with him, we dressed him up as a cowboy and he stole everyones hearts.

Nothing ever fazes him and I can honestly say I have never seen him spook at anything. One of my favourite things about Toffee and Fudge is watching them run excitedly around the paddock and also having kisses from them both as they are so affectionate.

Toffee's Bio

Height: 6hh

Age: 2 ½

Breed: Shetland

Colour: Chesnut with Flaxen Mane and Tail


See some of my shorts with Toffee